Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Personal Development Planning

I owe many organizations in which I have worked in my career development and success stories. It is very encouraging when you live and work in an environment where your efforts and contributions are valued and appreciated. Not only that, by your employer places a premium on developing you. Indeed it is a rare privilege which most employees take for granted.
However, your career aspiration lies in your hands. Like Daniel Goleman puts its "...Self-Improvement Begins with Self-Reflection" . Having decided your career path, the the question comes to mind "How do I get there?". This exercise in itself helps one identify his strengths and weakness and helps map out the STRATEGY to employ in pursuit of life's or professional ambition.
'Where should I be looking at?'
What are my unique competencies and strengths?'
or 'Where should I be developing the most?'
How do I allocate my time effectively towards building myself up for the challenges
or opportunities out there?'
I want to be a leader in my industry (Aspiration)
If my time is a pie of 100, how much of this bucket of 100 should I allocate to Leadership development while still keeping abreast with Pathloss, or Eclipse IDE? In otherwords, what should be the mix of my time allocation across Personal, Professional or Technical development?
What you sow is what you reap? While I put more effort developing my skill at Pathloss V, should I expect to reap Leadership skills or Business skills from Pathloss? How about my Visibility skills such as Presentation skills, Public speaking, etc.
Key to Effectiveness: Allocate TIME wisely.